#06013 Laser cutter ADIGE LT8

#06013 Laser cutter ADIGE LT8

#06013 Laser cutter ADIGE LT8 Technical specifications Technical specs Control system: Siemens ADIGE Total hours: 51218 h Hours on: 34560 h Laser power: 3 kW Length of the working table: 200 mm Width of the working table: 200 mm Travel length X-axis: 7750 mm Entry...
#06012 GEKA Hydracrop 80S ironworker

#06012 GEKA Hydracrop 80S ironworker

#06012 GEKA Hydracrop 80S ironworker Technical specifications Technical specs Stroke adjustable 70 mm Punching force 80 T Capacity Ø x thickness 40 x 20 mm Cutting force 150 T Throat 500 mm Length 2200 mm Width 1200 mm Height 2200 mm Weight 2800 kg Price on request...
#05925 Profile bending machine PIESOK XZP300/20 – sold to Egypt

#05925 Profile bending machine PIESOK XZP300/20 – sold to Egypt

#05925 Profile bending machine PIESOK XZP300/20 Technical specifications Technical specs Diameter of rounding rollers mm 760 Max. strength of the circled material MPa 500 Circling speed: I. stage m min-1 4.5 II. degrees m min-1 9 Power of the main electric motor kW 25...